1. Decree of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
    Date. 28th of June 2012; No. : AHU - 3931.AH.01.04 Year 2012
  2. Deed of Establishment Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation.
    Date. 27th of July 2011,
    No.: 24.
  3. Amendment Deed of Establishment Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation.
    Dated 22nd of February 2012; No.: 35.
  4. Local Presence Certificate No.: 530/550/429 504/2011.
    Registered 12th of August 2011.
  5. Tax Registration Certificate No: PEM-0002696ER / WPJ.12 / KP.0803 / 2011.
    Date. 15th of August 2011.
  6. NPWP : 31.369.056.2-627.000.
    Date 15th of August 2011
  7. Registration Certificate in Banyuwangi Government Office No: 220/3267/429 204/2012.
    Dated 08th of August 2012
  8. MoU with Meru Betiri National Park regarding the sea turtle conservation (outside of conservation zone).
    No: PKS.561 / BTNMB-1/2012, SKB.04 / BBKSDA.JAT-5/2012, 06 / BSTF / 05/2012
  9. Cooperation Agreement Draft between the Conservation Center of Natural Resources Banyuwangi in East Java with Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation regarding sea turtle rescue outside of conservation zone in Banyuwangi area. The draft has been forwarded to the Director General of Nature Conservation by the Natural Resources Conservation Center for East Java through letter No. S.247 / BBKSDA.JAT-2.2 / 2014, dated 20th of May 2014.
  10. Support letter from